We strive to provide a creative and challenging curriculum which motivates, engages and allows our pupils to make the best progress they can, developing their learning as well as their academic success. Self-reflection is an essential aspect of our curriculum as it is builds resilience in learning, whatever the subject.

Core Subjects


Our English curriculum allows the pupils develop their skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing through a creative and engaging curriculum that takes our pupils from emergent writers in Pre-School through to 13+ scholarship level and beyond as part of our Upper School Baccalaureate programme.

Talking about their ideas and the structure of their sentences and texts is an essential step in the process of the pupils being able to communicate their ideas clearly, both orally and in writing. This places oracy at the centre of our classroom practice with the pupils taking an increased role in leading the discussions regarding their learning as the progress through the school. Age related expectations are used to track pupil progress and self-reflection is developed through clear scaffolding of pupil outcomes.

Developing confident readers happens through classroom activities and independent reading. Classroom discussions about a text become increasingly child led as they become more skilled readers. Younger pupils have access to reading schemes and the older pupils use Scholastic Reading Pro to help track and challenge their reading choices.


Developing confident mathematicians is developed throughout the school. Pupils are encouraged to make use of concrete apparatus and diagrams before moving on to the abstract recording of numerical representations. Being able to explain how you got to the answer is explored orally and through written responses to deepen the understanding of each topic covered within the age related expectations.

Pupils learn to use their mathematical knowledge to solve problems and lessons often make use of our outside environment to allow the pupils to apply their skills in purposeful endeavour. The pupils’ use of logic and independence of manner are challenged through the participation in inter-school maths challenges.


All pupils at Edge Grove study a rigorous, varied curriculum covering the development of skills in Scientific Inquiry as well as acquiring a systematic body of knowledge as they progress through the school. It is the policy of the department to continually strive to encourage enjoyment of science as well as helping students to understand the place and importance of science in the world around them.

Pupils learn about science through practical and interactive experiences during the course of the school day. Investigation, observation and recording skills are developed in order to allow children to better understand their world and express these ideas.

As pupils move into year 5, they begin specialist, laboratory-based lessons with opportunities to increasingly develop their skills and awareness of science through specialist teaching, allowing our pupils to attain their potential, often going beyond the age related expectations for their year group through our scholarship programme.