Tooled Up Education Next Steps…

Now that Edge Grove has subscribed to become a ‘Tooled Up School’, this means that you will now have access to a digital library containing the most up-to-date, evidence-based tips that will enable your children to thrive.

To gain access to the world of Tooled Up tips from your computer, go to and insert our unique pin number egs0509 at the bottom of the page.

You can also have instant ‘on the go’ access by scanning the QR code below on your phone. The same login credentials will work on a mobile phone or a computer so you only need to create your account once.

What you will be getting

Extensive research by academics all over the world have uncovered approaches to raising children that help them to thrive. Tooled Up Education has found ‘golden nuggets’ within these academic findings, and translated them into practical tips for you to apply. You will find short videos, podcasts, webinars, activities and tip sheets covering:

  • Mental health – protecting and sustaining children’s positive mental health;
  • Digital Life – teaching safe and positive engagement with the digital world;
  • Learning – what we can be doing at home to help our teens thrive at school;
  • Managing emotions – the best approaches to challenging behaviour;
  • Family life and relationships – investing in good quality relationships at home to help our teens thrive in other areas of their life;
  • Aspiration – motivating our children to aim high and supporting them on their journey.

The Tooled Up library is already extensive but will continue to grow in response to your needs, requests and suggestions. Never hesitate to get in touch with them with any ideas you may have.

Dr Kathy Weston – Founder of Tooled Up Education